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Side hustle or full life change — how to escape from BA contracting

I was messaging on LI with a BA on what escape could look like recently.
She was commenting on how a ‘full life change’ and ‘cut ties, you know you want to’ could elicit fear.
I remember how I felt that fear and also fear is not a good source for creativity. Worse still it is likely to stop you from taking any action. It’s the flight in the Fight or Flight response. Run away from the scary idea.
So I thought I’d look at this ‘full life change’ in more practical detail so that we can see what you’re facing with a calmer, more rational mind. If so, you are more likely to approach it with curiosity and start exploring options.
So let’s start by exploring the idea of starting a ‘side hustle’.
I’m a little dubious of side hustles to be honest. They are a place to learn and experiment safely which is helpful. But… they delay the day when you leave BA contracting (if indeed, that is what you want or need to do — I’ll come back to that later).
The risk is that you spend years doing side hustles that never replace the BA income and so you always come back to BA contracting. Which is NOT a bad thing unless (as was the case with me) it feels increasingly constricting and putting what you need first will inevitably…