I have strong opinions about Agile. It has taken me a year or so to realise that it is much more like human nature obscured in jargon. This is driven by the desire to monetise… again! I won’t rant here (!) but, as an example, agile refers to a a retrospective as a practice that is simply regularly talking about how wo do our work in order to do it better.
I try to talk about these things without using the jargon unless the individual seems to be invested in ‘learning agile’.
I value the practices but I like to talk about ‘it’ in simple, human terms. As Nemad says it is much more about adopting a mindset. Unfortunately it is often adopted in organisations designed with a different mindset which put significant barriers in the way. For example, belief that people need to be rewarded monetarily to perform; executive bonuses; hierarchical, authoritarian power structures to name but a few.
This is why agile can be very powerful in social systems (system shifting networks) which don’t have these shortcomings. As a member of Extinction Rebellion, I can report on how this can work in practice…