Discovering the process
He had been following the path and crossed the bridge. In this new land there was a different way of navigating.
Using the heart and the gut as well as the head. A simple compass and a map would not work here. Even using the heart and the gut wasn’t enough. The entire body helped with navigation.
Sensations and emotions were all essential for navigation. Sometimes this meant a pause. To reflect and make sense of the signals. This couldn’t be hurried although the mind was impatient as ever. Remembering the quote from Lao Tzu was helpful:
Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished
Signals were confused because of stories from the other side of the bridge.
Stories that labelled nature. Put me, other people and nature into boxes. I sigh with release as I bring this fundamental truth into words.
I am unique. I am not just a middle aged white man. I am beautiful. Still feels awkward which is why I insist on writing it. Habit-forming.
Labels are part of nature so what is their utility I wonder. They speed things up, accelerate progress? But at what awful cost?
I move on and focus natural law. Remembering that everything (in nature) is beautiful, complex and unique. Literally nothing can be reduced to a label.
So this feels hard. How to make it easy? Reduce it to the natural principles. Should I use tools from the other side of the bridge?
I will experiment, like nature, to learn. Write a process to follow. Test it out.
Immediately I feel more comfortable.
I intended to share the process here for you to learn. But this is my process. It is unique and mine. Your process would be unique and yours. I want to explain and justify every step. Tell my story in fine detail so you can see the logic. You can understand that it is entirely rational and correct.
This is the mind talking. This is my creation and it feels good. That is enough for now.
I will share. My ego hopes that you will see some illuminating glimmer of yourself in the reflection. That you will say Alex helped me. That is fine. I am learning that I should be proud of my creations.
So here it is. Unvarnished. My Progress Check

Did this give you any insight? I am genuinely curious and always seeking to make sense of things.
Do you have any questions? I would love to play with this and develop it further.
These are all powerful parts of my inner nature after all.