A walk in the mist
The gift of nature.
Mist transforming the same walk into something mysterious with foreboding.
From ancient myths deep in my unconscious (or that’s what we call it) subtle feelings emerge. Stories echoing from the past into today.
I see a crow and a squirrel. The squirrel jumps and the crow jumps back. Is the crow scared of the squirrel? Am I telling a human story? What is the reality?
The truth emerges. The crow picks something from beneath the leaves. Two crows swoop in unexpectedly, buzzing the crow on the ground. The crow flies away, seemingly holding on to its prize.
A drama in seconds — I will take it as a gift. Are there lessons here?
Earlier in the walk. (chronology and order still seems something I should honour. If not rules of grammar!)
People running, walking and talking, singly and in pairs. Nature providing some utility. Simply a pathway, a route to run?
Everyone is affected by the contact with nature.
I am being more deliberate, developing my practice. Building my connection.
Expecting gifts.
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Nature is no Greek. Nature pays me no attention.
Thank you for my gifts. This is nature.
A final reflection.
What is my inner nature now? Feeling calm. Perhaps the final gift is… What?
Don’t expect anything. Be grateful.